I am a girl... :) Born on the 3rd of July, 1996... Used to be in Juying... Now in SCGS... I forgot the most important point... I am forgetful so dun blame me if I forgot sth :) Hmm, not sure what to write anymore so I will stop here :)

Hmm, must find out how to put music first so please be patient :)


* Tablet pc :) * * Books I enjoy reading :) * * Manga I like :) *

* My dream house * * My dream world * * My dream life * * All the time in the world * * Sleep *




Xin Ying
Xin Ying 2
Charmaine Tay
Yu Ting
Zi Wei
Mei Lin
Ting Fang


ShoutMix chat widget


Exits links here


April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009


Designer: clyne-mikiyo
Brushes: Kloud-nine

Monday, July 20, 2009
10:33 PM

Sorry! Never blog for soooooooo loooooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg! :) Is random moment for me :D

I know is quite long since but my birthday has passed and I am now sweet 13 :P (actual: sweet 16) Like Kelly said, I must be more mature but I dun wan! I still wan to crack lame jokes that is so lame it is funny :D But nvm about that le. Soon, we will be 14! Same age as Ryotaro now! :) Xin Ying most probably will drop to the ground again haha.

Ok ok, now sorry to Mavis, Kelly and Xh for nt being able to celebrate my birthday with u. But we can still celebrate :)

Sorry the post so short. Nothing to write about le so I will end here.

Maybe next time I post the sequel to DOUBT the manga that Xin Ying wanted? The manga is so nice. So crazy and scary and mysterious where cute might be horrifying and the person closest to you might be ur worst nightmare. It is a manga where you can't stop flipping the page without ur heart racing.

Hope u enjoyed this boring post but I ensure you that DOUBT is indeed very interesting. :)


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Saturday, June 20, 2009
1:09 PM

I actually wanted to post this quite some time ago but was too lazy so... I guess I goin post it now then :) And today's topic is... *drumroll* My holiday hw :D


1. Maths graded assignment 6
2. Sup notes 6.2
3. Sup exercise 6.1.1

Lang Arts

1. Monologue
2. Test paper
-Wind singer
-Struggle to be an all American girl
3. Giver webquest 2


1. 直通车 5 and 6
2. 2 chinese book review
- <<五体不满足>>
- Any chinese book
3. A lot more chinese

1. Maths file ( Trying (: )
2. Lang arts file

Yay! Finish listing! Now to do them and update :) Blue means I finished :D

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YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Friday, June 19, 2009
11:47 PM

I know it is a long time since I last post anything so I wanted to say sorry. :) Kelly, u keep telling me until I finally decided to post. Dun know y but today, I suddenly nt lazy anymore. Tts y I did my hw today :D. Feel so proud of myself. Ok, back to business... I am going to post abt my 6A class outing last Thursday, 11 June! :) It was so fun :P

Sadly, it was held at Chong Han's house which is at Gek Poh... so far away! :( It was bbq. Yay! :D It was starting at 10am so I had to wake up at 7am! So early :( And at first I was a bit lost cuz I dun know how to go to Gek Poh. Slept at 2 or 12am the day before so I was very scared tt I will fall asleep during the bbq so bought 3 cans of nes cafe - latte :) Drank 1 can after alighting from the bus in front of Gek Poh shopping centre. Nt sure where the main gate was... I walked around the whole place but did not find Kelly. Then at 1 gate saw Jun Yi... Asked him whether that was the main gate, he said yes but we found Kelly at the actual main gate which was the next gate :) haha.

Turned out I did not saw them while making a round was because they were not there yet... I was so happy to see Mavis and Kelly! :D So long since I last saw them :) There was also Dilys, Cheryl, Melissa, Hannah, Ying Jie, Jing Yi, Ryan Tan, Shan Jie, Jeremy, Jun Yi, Chong Han, Huan Gui, Eric, Rui Xiang... I think tts all. Trying to list out cuz I dun wan to forget tt amazing day! :) Then waited awhile but no one else came. We kept teasing Jun Yi abt Xiu Hui though :D So funny! Teased him to wait for Xiu Hui there. Then while walking to Chong Han's condo, teased Kelly abt Huan Gui :D Maybe it was retribution? But while teasing, my other 2 cans of coffee fell out of my plastic bag. Thanks Kelly for helping me to pick it up :)

Then reached the bbq pit, decided to play the game, True or Dare :) Used my umbrella as the stick. As Chong Han being the host, he got to spin first. Then he pointed to Kelly :P Kelly was dared to call the person she liked tt was not from the group :) She called her fren Charmaine "Char". Then it pointed to Jun Yi. He did some funny things but I am nt sure abt his dare though. Then it pointed to Chong Han and he was dared to call someone from his sch and say "I love u". It was so funny :) Then after a few more rounds, Jeff and Gab came. Then we stopped playing but it seems like Melissa still owe us a dare :P We went to the basketball court to play some ball games like the old times.

We played dodge ball first :) And the grouping was boys against girls. Last time, the girls always outnumber the boys but this time it was the boys that outnumbered us girls :P So as u can guess... the boys won all the rounds we played :( but it was fun anyways :) Then decided to take a break for drinks as it was so hot! Then Kelly, Mavis and me went to fetch Xh as she did nt know how to go to the condo. Met her at Gek Poh shopping centre then joked with her while walking bak :P Kelly teased her a bit abt Jun Yi then Xh went so scary :D I did not dare to tease her after tt :)

Then went bak and I drank the 2nd can of coffee for the break then played captain ball but some did not want to play so it was not that big a group. This time it was a mixed group so it was more of equal balance. At first I was captain but then there was a change then I became one of the players. Then Kelly became defender for our group and Eric was the opponents' captain. Then Dilys also helped Kelly and was standing in front of her. Then Eric joke say tall then short then shorter. Haha :) so funny. Kelly should understand the joke :)

Then decided to go for lunch and some ppl went bak home then come bak later. Went to the McDonalds at Gek Poh shopping centre for lunch :) Then went bak to the condo but nt many ppl left to play then we just at the court laze around but wad happened from after lunch until 3.30pm was quite a blur to me so I dun wan write abt tt.

3.30pm was the time the function room open... which means preparing for the bbq :) Then Kelly, Mavis, Xh, Rosemary, Jeff and Gab went into the pantry room aka panties room as said by Jeff. It was veri fun in there. Xh and Jeff was washing the squid at the sink and was also talking :D Then Mavis was at first washing corn and wrapping them with aluminium foil. Then Kelly was putting chilli and and lime on the squid then wrapping it with aluminium foil. I was tearing the aluminium foil and labeling the squids. Gab was guarding the door and he also found a secret door that lead to outside the function room. Then he made special passwords so other ppl cannot come in :D It was so fun and funny. Then Mavis and Kelly were saying sth abt how "liang" it was there. (Some ppl might get the joke :P) With Xh and Jeff there, of course it will be "liang". And I think I drank my last can of coffee somewhere during this time I think :)

Then we went out and play Blow wind blow. It was so fun and funny. Then we played whacko. Then Jun Yi started the way where he ask the person who he wan call first then stand near the person so he can hit. Then Xh scream in this game so loudly... we might hav gone deaf. Then played zhong zi mi ma awhile to clear the leftover food. Then somethings happened tt are a bit blur to me so I won't mention it.

Then my mum called me at 9.45pm to tell me to come home immediately. So I just quickly took my bag, payed Mavis $5 and went to the bus-stop but the bus onli came at 10pm... :( I should hav just continued staying and played. Then while I was riding the Mrt that was at around Kranji station at tt time, Dilys called me to ask if her camera was with me. Then I checked my bag and I found her camera there! I dun know how it gt there.

But by now I already returned the camera. I dun know how it gt to my bag but I definitely did not steal it :( I hav gt this weird feeling tt somebody might be thinking or saying tt I stole it but oh well. Its over already anyway :D

Finally I hav wrote finish this veri long post. Hope it will make up for the long time I haven't post :) Although this post was nt tt funny. I hoped u enjoyed it :) Thanks for reading and hav a nice day :D

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YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Thursday, May 7, 2009
10:44 PM

YAY!!! :)

SMRT did nt come today!!! :) I knew I was lucky :) jkjk Today's lessons were nt tt nice except for some... felt so hungry the whole day(well, except for cca tt time) :( Is there a hole in my stomach??? :)

Don't know wad to write le... so just goin to blabber??? :) Oh I know wad to write le :)

The 9'o clock show is so nice, my school daze (I think) !!! Those hu haven't watch must watch! :) Jiang Jun is so cute!!! Thot Xin Ying was just kidding when she and Janice was talking abt it at sch :) But is he 13??? Looks younger :) Is like anime in real life??? :)

Blah Blah Blah... can't think of anthing... just writing wad comes on my mind :) Oh ya! Yesterday was funny :) Xin Ying was giving Shannon lessons on how to be sarcastic (was she giving me too???) :) It was so funny then today Shannon was sarcastic a lot of times *stunned* didn't really figured tt out till recess??? :) Then yesterday was also veri funny :) Shannon was fierce!!! Scared me :) And I found out I have a wicked heart!!! :) (a joke, meant to say weak heart) :)

Then Yu Ting, Shannon, Xinying and me went crazy... it was so funny :) But Xin Ying and I just noticed tt we would get fed up easily when we have pw... why/uuhy?(Xin Ying, Shannon, Natalia, Yu Ting and Rachel Tan should understand this) :) My own joke :)

Gym was a lesson of incidents to me :( I twisted my leg cuz of my problems with landing after doing step and jump 360 degrees (nth to do with my bus ride - aimed for Xin Ying and Natalia) :) Cut my leg while doing handstand :( So many injuries :( *Sigh*


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7:59 PM

I feel tt my blog is too plain with no pics so I decided to post some though it is a bit too long after the event :)

This is all the photos at the moment :) I don't know y but I can't put captions so next photo ok? :) Hope u enjoyed this photos :)

From Genting trip last year, December:

I still had long hair then so frens hu nvr see b4 can see now :)

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YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y