I am a girl... :) Born on the 3rd of July, 1996... Used to be in Juying... Now in SCGS... I forgot the most important point... I am forgetful so dun blame me if I forgot sth :) Hmm, not sure what to write anymore so I will stop here :)

Hmm, must find out how to put music first so please be patient :)


* Tablet pc :) * * Books I enjoy reading :) * * Manga I like :) *

* My dream house * * My dream world * * My dream life * * All the time in the world * * Sleep *




Xin Ying
Xin Ying 2
Charmaine Tay
Yu Ting
Zi Wei
Mei Lin
Ting Fang


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April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009


Designer: clyne-mikiyo
Brushes: Kloud-nine

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
6:32 PM

Don't know what to post so decided to copy this quiz from Kelly :) The names are not in order :)

Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions.

1. Kelly
2. Mavis
3. Xiu Hui
4. Gek Yang
5. Xin Ying (Penapi [2])
6. Shannon
7. Yu Ting (Penapi [1])
8. Natalia (Penani)
9. Rachel Tan
10. Alexia (Laksa)
11. Zheng Yi
12. Janice
13. Mei Lin
14. Ting Fang
15. Janie
16. Abigail (Abi)
17. Miao Ling (Mios)
18. Si Min
19. Charmaine Tay
20. Jobelle
21. Zi Wei

1) How do you meet No.7? (Yu Ting)
SCGS, 1Co... :)

2)What would you do if you had never met No.15?(Janie)
I would nvr have met such a cute girl and reliable too :)

3)What would you do if No.1 and No.20 dated?(Kelly and Jobelle)
Erm... they don't even know each other and besides I dun think any of them are les :)

4)Have you ever seen No.17 cry?(Miao Ling)
Nope... I onli know her for 4+ months :)

5)Would No.4 and No.16 make a good couple? (Gek Yang and Abigail)
They dun know each other and besides, knowing Gek Yang and Abi they sure would nt like the other party...

6)Do you wan to be No.13 friend forever?(Mei Lin)
Yup! :) I wan to be frens forever with all my frens :)

7)Do you think No.11 is attractive? (Zheng Yi)
Of Course!!! Most of my frens are pretty!!! ... Gek Yang looked weird when he tried the SCGS uniform... gd times :)

8)What's No.5 favourite colour? (Xin Ying)
Green :)

9)Wad laguage does No.8 Speaks? (Natalia)
Malay... English... German :) (Benani language too???)

11)Who is No.21 going out with? (Zi Wei)
No one I think... She in NCC so must be fierce :) Haha jkjk :)

12)What grade is No.16 in? (Abigail)
Same as me??? :)

13)Would you ever date No.18? (Si Min)
Of course, I must date all my frens! :) A talk I attended said going out with frens is dating I think :)

14)Whr does No.17 live? (Miao Ling)
Nt sure... Either she told me and I forgot or she nvr told me neither did I ask her

15)What is the worst thing about No.4? (Gek Yang)
I am nt sure... Is it his habit to cross dress and apply for girl's sch??? :)

16)What would you like to tell No.1 right now? (Kelly)
I wan go ur sch!!! And I will miss u when May comes :)

17)What is the best thing about No.20? (Jobelle)
Hmm... the way she makes me laugh sometimes??? :)

18)Have you ever kissed No.2? (Mavis)
Tried to but could not... jkjk :)

19)What the best memory you had of No.13? (Mei Lin)
Hmm... can't remember... I am getting old!!! :)

20)Whens the next time you are going to see No.21? (Zi Wei)
Most probably tmr :)

21)How is No.7 different from No.6? (Yu Ting and Shannon)
Yu Ting cracks sick jokes and Shannon performs magic tricks but both are fun to be with!!! :)

22)Is No.2 pretty? (Mavis)
She might nt agree but Of Course!!! And funny and sarcastic and cute!!! :)

23)What was your first impression of No.13? (Mei Lin)
Hmm... can't remember... it was 4+ months ago :)

24)How do you meet No.3? (Xiu Hui)

25)Is No.17 your best friend? (Miao Ling)
Not really... but we are good frens :)

26)Do you hate No.12? (Janice)
If I hated her, she would not be in this quiz will she cuz u asked for frens... but I dun hate Janice :)

27)Have you seen No.18 in the last month? (Si Min)
Err... Yeah... she is in the same school, class and cca as me :)

28)When was the last time you saw No.2? (Mavis)
Monday... so sad :( I miss her and Kelly already!!! :(

29)Have you been to No.13 house? (Mei Lin)
Nope... we are nt tt close yet :)

30)Whens the next time you see No.10? (Alexia)
Tmr... Yay!!! The day will be filled with joy again :) And Alexia, u did well for the singing today... C.T, u too!!! :)

31)Are you close to No.11? (Zheng Yi)
I hope so :)

32)Have you been to movie with No.21? (Zi Wei)
No... but maybe 1 day yes :)

33)Have you got into trouble with No.8? (Natalia)
I dun think so but if I did, I can't remember... :)

34)Would you give No.1 a hug? (Kelly)
Of Course, when I dun smell bad :)

35)When have you lied to No.5? (Xin Ying)
Nope... y should I??? :)

36)Is No.11 good at socializing? (Zheng Yi)
Of Course... she is my class rep :)

37)Do you know a secret about No.13? (Mei Lin)
Nope :)

38)Describe the relationship between No.12 and No.18? (Janice and Si Min)
Classmates :)

39)What's the best thing about your friendship with No.9? (Rachel Tan)
Jokes and i guess wad she calls my "Elmo laugh" :)

40)what's the worst thing about No.6? (Shannon)
Quite negative... *Remember* Shannon - Words are powerful :)

41)Have you ever had a crush on No.12? (Janice)
I am nt a les even if Xin Ying is afraid I might become 1 :)

42)How long have you known No.2? (Mavis)
For a few years... but now, we are separated :(

43)How you ever been to a fight with No.13? (Mei Lin)
Nope :)

44)Does No.3 Has BF/GF? (Xiu Hui)
I dun know... must ask her but boys do like her :)

45)Have you ever punch No.19 in the face? (Charmaine Tay)
Of course not... I dun wan to be in trouble with Ma'am :)

46)Has No.21 met your mother? (Zi Wei)
No... she nvr been to my house b4... :)

YAY!!! :) Finally finished... feel so refreshed :)


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Monday, April 20, 2009
9:03 PM

I guess today was like any normal day with Monday's lessons all boring. But I was super crazy this morning! I went to my fren Xin Ying and was super hyper abt... Shugo Chara!!! :) I read finish the manga yesterday but the series is not finished yet :( And I was saying to Xin Ying and Shannon abt Ikuto and the exciting ending... Oh I can't wait!!! :) Then afterwards I met Kelly and Mavis at NHHS then went to jp cuz i nid to buy some things. Then we went McDonalds eat then also talk abt lots of funny stuff. :) Today was fun after sch yet boring during sch... I will miss these days after I move... *sigh* I will come bak and visit but will u be free at those times??? I guess I will end for today :)

(Spoiler for Shugo Chara so skip if u dun wan to read this part)
The latest chapter stopped at such an exciting point with Ikuto saying "Yo princess" to Amu in the chapter. Aww, it just fits his character!!! :) But the embryo was in Easter's hands and Ikuto's stepfather went down using a lift. Amu and frens chase him down using the stairs as there was onli 1 lift and at the basement, the lift continues down but the stairs don't!!! Ikuto gt the card to use the lift but onli 3 ppl can go in the lift and the card is 1 time use onli!!! Since Ikuto knows the way around so he goes, Tadase represents the guardians and go, Amu wants to help in her own way so she goes. And the three were decided BUT the manga stopped there!!! :( So I have to wait till May then the next chap will be out!!! I can't endure the pain...
(End of spoiler)

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YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

8:09 PM

Cannot think of what else to do so i copied this quiz from Kelly! :)

50 Little Secrets.
Be honest no matter what, then tag at least ten friends.

01. Who was your last text from?
Xin Ying. Asking about tomorrow's science test.

02. Where was your default picture taken?
I don't know. Found it in the computer already.

03. Your relationship status?
Single... I don't think I am allowed to marry now. :) joking

04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
Ya but we got back together :)

05. What is your current mood?
Happy yet sad, don't feel like doing homework or PACK MY BAG!(Kelly should know about this)

06. How many siblings do you have?

07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
Jared and Sarah.

08. Where do you wish you were right now?
My dream world :)

09. Have a crazy side?
I guess so... Lots of ppl say i go crazy when i eat chocolate but now i just go crazy

10. Ever had a near death experience?
Wad do u mean by that? If it was almost being knockdown by cars then yes, lots of times.

11. Something you do a lot?
Sleep, play com games and read and watch MANGA and ANIME!!!

12. Angry at anyone?
Now? I dun think so :)

13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
I dun like anybody now unless u mean friends then it is cuz I am not les and neither are they :)

14. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember. I am rather forgetful :)

15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
I guess so... Family and frens :)

16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?
I don't remember. Recently i have problems with my dreams, i can't remember them (Am I getting old ??? )

17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Xin Ying. She was discussing with me about tomorrow's test. (She did a veri funny mistake and we were laughing like crazy)

18. What is your favorite song?
I dun know, can't decide.

19. What are you doing right now?
Doing this quiz??? :)

20. Who do you trust right now?
Family... Frens :)

21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
I dun know... I found it in my closet one day :)

22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
NO!!! Why should I anyway?

23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
I dun know if u can count as fren but it is Jeremy??? But close and good frens then it is Kelly :)

24. Describe your life in one word?

25. Who are you thinking of right now?
Nobody... all I can think of is answers for this quiz :)

26. What should you be doing right now?
PACKING MY BAG or doing hw... whichever I wan to do first but definitely not the first option :)

27. What are you listening to?
Nature :) There is nth else to listen to :)

28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
Can't remember... told u I am forgetful :)

29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Sister or mother yelling "PACK UR BAG!!!"

30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
I dun know... if it is frens then ya. Who wouldn't act differently between strangers and frens???

31. What is your natural hair color?
Black I think but brown in sun???

32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Myself :) But if that did not count then it is Xin Ying

33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
Can't remember...

34. What do you hear?
Nature... there is nth else to hear except for the sound of me typing on the keyboard :)

35. Is your hair curly or straight?
Both??? Cuz it curls sometimes and straighten sometimes

36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
If they did, I would not be here... they would most probably have eaten me up already :)

37. Do you have a best friend?
Yes.. No... I dun know... Many ppl have asked me this question and it is the same answer everytime :)

38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
I think yes... with brother or father... forgot

39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
Ya, can't u see I am using it now :)

40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Is putting on an extra shirt counted???

41. Are you happy with life right now?
It's ok but the world is not fair so there are things u like and things u hate :)

42. Are you currently jealous?

43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
Y would I be wearing jewelry at home unless spectacles are counted :)

44. What were you doing on friday night?
Attending Mavis and Kelly's sports day... too bad I could not go in :(

45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
No :)

46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I dun think so :) Tts y I am kind :)

47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
No... y would I be? :)

48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
Cuz i am sick?

49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
11pm+. Hw... no choice :(

50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Yes, my frens! :) I attended a talk tt says going out with ur frens is counted as dating too :)

Wow! Finally finished :)


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y