I am a girl... :) Born on the 3rd of July, 1996... Used to be in Juying... Now in SCGS... I forgot the most important point... I am forgetful so dun blame me if I forgot sth :) Hmm, not sure what to write anymore so I will stop here :)

Hmm, must find out how to put music first so please be patient :)


* Tablet pc :) * * Books I enjoy reading :) * * Manga I like :) *

* My dream house * * My dream world * * My dream life * * All the time in the world * * Sleep *




Xin Ying
Xin Ying 2
Charmaine Tay
Yu Ting
Zi Wei
Mei Lin
Ting Fang


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Exits links here


April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009


Designer: clyne-mikiyo
Brushes: Kloud-nine

Thursday, May 7, 2009
10:44 PM

YAY!!! :)

SMRT did nt come today!!! :) I knew I was lucky :) jkjk Today's lessons were nt tt nice except for some... felt so hungry the whole day(well, except for cca tt time) :( Is there a hole in my stomach??? :)

Don't know wad to write le... so just goin to blabber??? :) Oh I know wad to write le :)

The 9'o clock show is so nice, my school daze (I think) !!! Those hu haven't watch must watch! :) Jiang Jun is so cute!!! Thot Xin Ying was just kidding when she and Janice was talking abt it at sch :) But is he 13??? Looks younger :) Is like anime in real life??? :)

Blah Blah Blah... can't think of anthing... just writing wad comes on my mind :) Oh ya! Yesterday was funny :) Xin Ying was giving Shannon lessons on how to be sarcastic (was she giving me too???) :) It was so funny then today Shannon was sarcastic a lot of times *stunned* didn't really figured tt out till recess??? :) Then yesterday was also veri funny :) Shannon was fierce!!! Scared me :) And I found out I have a wicked heart!!! :) (a joke, meant to say weak heart) :)

Then Yu Ting, Shannon, Xinying and me went crazy... it was so funny :) But Xin Ying and I just noticed tt we would get fed up easily when we have pw... why/uuhy?(Xin Ying, Shannon, Natalia, Yu Ting and Rachel Tan should understand this) :) My own joke :)

Gym was a lesson of incidents to me :( I twisted my leg cuz of my problems with landing after doing step and jump 360 degrees (nth to do with my bus ride - aimed for Xin Ying and Natalia) :) Cut my leg while doing handstand :( So many injuries :( *Sigh*


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
7:59 PM

I feel tt my blog is too plain with no pics so I decided to post some though it is a bit too long after the event :)

This is all the photos at the moment :) I don't know y but I can't put captions so next photo ok? :) Hope u enjoyed this photos :)

From Genting trip last year, December:

I still had long hair then so frens hu nvr see b4 can see now :)

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YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

7:33 PM

Today was just another school day until home econs...

I saw Joanne standing outside her classroom. (3pr - which was just beside the kitchen) As Mrs Fernandez (my home econs teacher) was still nt there yet, I decided to go tell her tt Mios (Miao Ling) wanted to quit robotics :( . (Joanne is cca leader I think :) Then I was told this VERY shocking news!!!

SMRT was coming to scgs for my cca this week!!! OH NO!!! :( I was so shocked and sad. :( But later on, Joanne told me tt it was a maybe... depending on his scheldule :) It gave me a bit of hope tt he won't be coming :) Then afterwards, while I was walking to the bus-stop with Xin Ying, we saw the bus-stop filled with SJI boys :( Oh no!!! And Xin Ying said "Why didn't we walk slower? Why didn't I eat my porridge slower?" Soon after, we saw our bus, 153, come over. Then Xin Ying said we should nt ride tt bus. At tt time, I could nt understand y so I said just go on so we went. Then halfway there, she said I am regretting this decision and after a few steps I said tt too so Xin Ying said to pay her back I must be there tmr morning to meet her and I had no choice :(

The bus was so crowded!!! Xin Ying and I had to stand on the steps but the bus start to get lesser and Xin Ying gt a sit... a stop later I gt a sit too but now Xin Ying and I were quite far apart :( Then I gt out and went home without saying goodbye or even seeing her again :( I am so dreading tmr morning :( I don't to meet and offend tt person again :(

for Kelly's question on y I miss 2002 for the last quiz I did...

2002 was the year I was 6 years old :) Tt year, I went bak to Myanmar for a month during December :) Woo hoo, it was so fun :) We went to the beach with most of all my family members including cousins, niece, aunts and uncles :) It was the first time I went to a beach so I was really excited and I was so happy there :) I want to experience it again so tts y I miss it the most :)

Thanks for reading my posts :) though it was boring


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Sunday, May 3, 2009
7:29 PM

Gt things to write but can't think of it now so decided to do a quiz... gt it frm Kelly again :) And Kelly, I did a quiz so happy now?



Spell your name with songs.

R -Realise
O - Our song
S - Should've said no
E - Empty
M - Mary Jane
A - All for one
R - Reach out for the skies
Y - Yesterday

-- Name: Tan Mei Ting Rosemary
-- Birth date: 3rd July 1996
-- Age : 13
-- Nickname: Rose, Rosey, Hello Kitty
-- Hair Color: Black... looks brownish in the sunlight
-- Zodiac Sign: Cancer


-- The shoes you wore today: Invisible shoes... was at home all day
-- Your weaknesses: A lot... :)
-- Your fear(s): A lot... :)
-- Your perfect pizza: Lots of cheese... dun know le :)
-- Goal you would like to achieve: A lot... :)


-- Your best physical feature: Dun hav :)
-- Your bedtime? Depends...
-- Most missed memory? 2002


This Or That...

-- Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi... Heard coke could be used for washing things :P
-- McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King... Ever saw the video "Super size me" ? Will make u hate McDonalds
-- Adidas or Nike? Dun know... can see no diff :)
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Lipton Ice Tea... unless u say Nescafe then must see first :)
-- Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla... Chocolate is nice but to me Vanilla is nicer :)
-- Cappuccino or coffee? I rather Nescafe Latte :)


Do you...

-- Smoke: Of course not... dun wish to hav lung cancer... I hate the smoke from it too :)
-- Curse: Must see wad u mean by curse first :)
-- Dance: Nope... can't and never could
--Do you think you've been in love? Yup with my family and girl frens... of course is must love family and frens :)
-- Want to go to college: Yup... I wan to get a job :)
-- Want to get married: I dun know... I can't see the future :)
-- Get motion sickness: Rarely... onli gt it once b4 :)
--Think you're attractive: NO! But my all my frens are :)
--Think you're a health freak: Dun know...
-- Get along with your parent(s): Ya I guess... :)


In the past month...

-- Gone to the mall: Yup for presents :)
-- Kissed someone: No... I am nt a kissing machine like Quan or Sano from Hana Kimi :)
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Oh my... I did nt eat any Oreos for a long long time :D
-- Eaten Sushi: Yup... sushi is nice... :)
-- Been on stage: Dun thinks so... Can't remember :)
-- Been dumped: Nvr had a bf and besides I would hav been the 1 to dump him :)
-- Gone skating: Ya... just 2 days ago :) It is so fun!!! Wan go again :)
-- Made homemade cookies: I wan to then giv everybody try try first... see reaction then try myself :)
-- Gone Skinny dipping: Wad is tt? If it is based on my guessing... then it is no cuz I am nt skinny :)



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: err... no... feel so pervert right now :)
-- If so, was it mixed company: ...
-- Been beaten up: no onli been hit veri hard b4 and it was by my frens :)
-- Shoplifted: If I did I would be in jail by now... :)


-- Age you hope to be married: I told u I can't see the future :)
-- Numbers of Children: ...
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Is step 9 meant for annoying ppl to repeat their ans...


In the opposite sex..

-- Best eye color? Dun know... but for anime ppl is red or purple :)
-- Best hair color? Dun know but for anime ppl is white :)
-- Short hair or long hair? Short
-- Height? Nt tt tall can le :)


-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1...2...3... Lost count... just know it is a lot... like family, frens :)
-- Number of CDs that I own: 1...2...3...dun know... I nt so free to count
-- Number of tattoos: 0...0...0...0... I will nvr hav any tattoos :)
-- Number of piercings: 0... scared of pain

Personal Quiz:

Who were you with yesterday?
Kelly... primary sch the ppl

What woke you up this morning?
Myself :)

Where are you?
My room :)

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Is a sch day so no but the onli gd thing is meeting my frens :)

Did you kiss someone today?
No... I repeat... I am nt Quan or Sano from Hana Kimi :)

Do you like anybody?
Yup... family and frens :)

Ever thrown up in public?
Yup... was sick :)

Passed out because of alcohol:
I dun drink alcohol :)

What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Nth... ... ... so quiet :)


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
JC... waiting for A-level results??? :)


Do you like candy necklaces?
Wads tt??? If it is candy I must taste b4 first then can tell :)

When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
Can't remember... was it today??? Or yesterday??? :) I am clumsy :)

Do you still go trick or treating?
Nvr did and I think nvr will :)

What was the last thing you ate?
Burger King at 5+... It was my lunch... so hungry :)

Are you a fast typer?
Nope... quite slow if u ask me :)

About how many people have you liked/had a crush on?
Dun know :)

Have you ever moved?
Yup... b4 I was born and now :)

Have you ever won an award?

What do you want to do right now?
I dun know... I can't think much right now :)

Are you listening to music right now?
No... :)

How long 'till your birthday?
I dun know but Kelly has a timer for me :)

When was the saddest day in your whole life?
I dun know... dun wish to remember :)

Do you use ebay to buy or sell?
Wads tt? :)

What makes you mad?
Lots of things... :) U can dun believe me but it is true :)

Have you ever heard a song written about you?
No... maybe in the future??? :)

Something you want to happen in 2009?
A lot of things :)

Summer 2008?
Dun know :)

Honestly, do you miss 2008?
Ya :)


1. Honestly, what's on your mind?
Nth... I am really nt thinking of anything except for wad to answer this quiz :)

2. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
This quiz... :)

3. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Dun know... :)

4. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Sis... called to ask me whether I wan anything to eat :)

5. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Y should I be??? :)

6. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?
A lot of things... :)

7. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
No... :)

8. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder?
Yup... :)

9. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?
Yup... my frens then can play :)

10. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now?
Nt really :)

11. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?
Nt really... if I dun like tt fren then tt person would nt be my fren :)

Finally done with this quiz :) I know it is nt really funny... my funniness just dun work right now :)


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

Friday, May 1, 2009
11:05 AM

Kelly, help me... I am so stress :( U should know frm wad!!! I hate this feeling!!! Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. :(


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y

7:49 AM

I know i write this a bit late but just needed to say this funny thing tt happened on 24 April, Friday. Kelly is also probably waiting for this post :) So it happened like this...

After school, I stayed bak to do project then I rushed bak to my primary sch, Juying. At first I thot Mavis and Kelly would be at the squeak room so I went there onli to find out they left tt place and went somewhere else... so since I had no choice I just called Kelly and asked where she was. It turned out she was at the HOD room. So I rushed there :(with my heavy bag and all ): and I met Mavis and Kelly :) Then Mavis was talking to me and Kelly was doing a work tt Mrs So asked her to do. Then Mavis left to go squeak room while Kelly and I went to the staff room and were talking to Lin lao shi whom I asked to do the peranakan survey :) At tt moment, Mr G was sitting nearby and called me and Kelly to come. So now we hav to help with the racial harmony thing on tue, wed and sat. :(sat is reach by nine am!!! Now I must wake up at 6am to reach there on time!!! ):

Ok bak to the story... so afterwards Kelly and me went bak to the HOD room and helped Mdm Azimah with some stuff. She was so nice and bought Kelly and me Mac to eat. Tt day was P6 parent briefing day so after eating the Mac, Mdm Azimah and Mrs So went to the hall to giv the talk I think. Kelly and me thot the HOD was empty and went bak to doin the work. After some time, a funny thing happened. :D We heard the HOD room door open and since onli teachers had the pass to go in, we were wondering who was it. We heard the teacher goin into the cubicle next to the one we were working in. So Kelly went and checked then I asked hu was it. She said nth and just giv me the dying sign with her index finger. It scared me a lot cuz I thot the teacher was goin scold us veri badly then we would die like the sign... :D

So... I decided to check on wad teacher it was. I took the rubbish from the Mac and went to throw while passing by the cubicle. As I pass by, I saw it was a new teacher and the name tag on the cubicle was... *Mr Mathi*. HAHA!!! :D The mystery of the hand sign was solved and Kelly and me was laughing a lot after tt. :)

This is a true story so u gt to believe me. I know tt it was quite a boring recount but the actual thing was veri funny :D *Kelly, now I posted it, are u happy now?*


YI believe ... in my Would-be Self ... Y